For my first post I figured I would put something into the total jailbait category. Angie from Total Super Cuties more than fits the bill when it comes to total jailbait. Her small tits are just barely starting to grow. I guess they didn’t get the memo? Now that she is 18 years old she can pose naked on the Internet. She jumped at the chance. The producers had to check and recheck her I.D.s to make sure she was legal. Turns out she was barely legal.
I am sure there are plenty of craggy old people out there that think Angie is being taken advantage of. I will remind those people that when they were Angie’s age some of them were off fighting in a war and others were already shacking up and getting married. At least Angie is smart enough to wait.
Just look at that little tushy of hers. I swear she would break in two if you slipped your cock inside it.
You can find all of Angie’s photo sets and videos at Total Super Cuties. They find the cutest of the cute when it comes to barely legal models and the girl next door types. Join and gain instant access to the crush of your dreams!